Friday, October 7, 2011

I AM the Girl From "The Ring"

I've been really bad with my blogging schedule. Well, I'm busy. So boo-hoo. I have a life. And I live in a residential college for science geeks, so my workload is stressful as hell. On top of it, I got about 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep last night because I went to bed at 2:30am and woke up at 5 for work. In other words, I've been awake for about 19 hours so far without dying. And I'm possibly pulling and all-nighter if I can't get my homework done before 3am. If my post today makes absolutely no sense grammatically or otherwise, don't blame me. Blame the asshole that scheduled me to work early mornings the day after Thirsty Thursday when I wake up to the sound of everyone else in my hall stumbling into their rooms between 3 and 4am.

I decided that I wanted to make this a video blog, but between the insomnia not letting me get to sleep before 2:30am and having a restless few hours of sleep, I have determined that this would be a bad idea. I'm also still kind of sick and I don't have my voice back. At the moment, I am pretty much the same person as the girl from "The Ring" and I didn't want to scare any young children. Check out this comparison:

Girl from "The Ring"
My glorious mug

If I dampen my hair slightly we look like we were separated at birth. Only I don't look quite as bitchy. Don't let that fool you. I'm at least twice as bitchy as her.

Don't ever look up pictures of the girl from "The Ring" on Google images if you are terrified of horror movies. I get scared really easily and I think I'm going to have some nightmares after seeing some of those pictures.Yeah yeah I'm a total wimp and the scariest movie that I like is "The Shining." I will be tweeting about my horrible fear of zombie people as Halloween draws near. Oh and I will probably watch "The Shining" about 10 times in the next month. This is probably my favorite youtube video ever, by the way. Watch it:

Point is, I wanted this to be a quick post, but it turns out I've been working on this for quite a while. I think it's because I don't want to get back to my chemistry homework. Please don't make me go back to it.... Waaahhhhhhh :[ If I end up staying up all night, I'll post a pic of how much I'll look like a hot mess after my 6-hour work shift. Stay tuned, folks!

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