Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm Going to Start Writing Every Saturday Unless I Find Something Else That Needs To Be Done

Ok. Was that not the longest title for a blog post in the world? I'm pretty sure it was.

I basically have no social life outside of my old job, and I am approximately 100 miles away from there, so my Saturdays are generally pretty boring. Don't get me wrong! I love not having anything to do on a Saturday. I'm exploding with joy right now because I get to write up a Chemistry lab report because I procrastinate. A lot.

I don't even think anyone realizes how hard it is for me to not make jokes in my lab report about how my Learning Assistant (LA) can't spell "pipette" worth shit. It is spelled just how it sounds, but they still managed to spell it like "pipet." What the hell is a pipet??? It sounds like a retarded French guy trying to say puppet or a frog with a speech impediment.

Anyhoo, I decided to do this every Saturday unless I find something better to do with my time. I decided on Saturday for the following reasons:

1) Generally nothing better to do on Saturdays
2) It's the only day of the week I don't have classes... besides Sundays. But I want to relax and watch House on Sundays, so screw anyone who might read this and think, "Why not Sundays? It's more convenient for me!" You asshats can read this on Sunday or after if you want.
3) I like cupcakes.

Yes I realize that #3 has nothing to do with anything, but shut up. Cupcakes are awesome.

I have no idea where this post is going, so I'm just going to end it really abruptly.

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