Saturday, February 25, 2012

Terrible Work Day Rant

Sorry, you're not getting a normal blog post today. I have about 1,039,434,394,001,773.591 hours of homework to get done in the next day and a half, and I'm on the brink of blowing my own head off.

I had to work today in the cafeteria serving food for 5 hours. That's pretty bad, but it's worse than it sounds. I was working with three other girls, two of which are from China and can barely speak English. The other girl who is not Chinese just barely gave a fuck about working, and preferred to spend much of her time chatting with the chefs. Her job was to restock the food we were serving. At first, she did her job just fine, but after a few hours, she just kind of... stopped. On top of it, the Chinese girls were stumbling around, unable to understand a word of peoples' orders. Even worse, they moved so slowly I thought I was going to die. You are supposed to get the food on the plate, not having it touch other food stuff, and doing so quickly so you can help the next person in line. She was slowly scooping the tater tots one-by-one and trying to grasp a sausage patty with the tongs, but dropping it. It took all of my strength not to shove her out the my goddamn way and serve the stupid, hungover douche bag who shifted from foot to foot impatiently. I'm not going to go into detail about the many times everyone pissed me off today, but let's just say that it went on constantly for 5 hours. (No, I'm not PMSing. Shut up.)

Anyway, I will hopefully be posting something less rant-y and more like a story next weekend. I'm not sure how that will work out because I'll be on spring break (WOO!) and won't have much time, but expect something on Sunday rather than Saturday.

Peace out, my bitches.

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