Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Call Me Daredevil, Part 2

Well, the whole cinnamon challenge/ghost pepper thing happened on Saturday. Sorry I couldn't post it sooner. Technical difficulties. Also, I apologize for my voice. I hate it. Anyway, the cinnamon challenge was uneventful and actually not as bad as I had expected. I did spit the cinnamon out, but it was only because I was laughing and I didn't want to be the only one to do it when my friend had already spit it out. Actually, I'll just let you watch this video. Sorry it's sideways, but my friend didn't know how to work the phone...

Yep. That was lovely. However, the ghost pepper challenge was way more eventful. I read the warning label that eating these peppers can cause heart palpitations and breathing problems, but I decided to ignore this. Also, it said that you should handle these peppers with gloves on. So... these peppers are SPICY. I don't really know what I had expected, but it was much, much worse. I took a bite about the size of a quarter and chewed it for a few seconds because if you eat it quickly, it will burn the back of your throat and seriously mess up your stomach. At first, it didn't hurt at all. It just kind of tasted bad. I decided that it would be okay to eat the rest of the pepper I started. However, that ended up impossible. As soon as I opened my mouth for the rest of the pepper, it felt like someone had poured gasoline into my mouth and threw in a lit match. I have eaten habanero peppers before. I have tried Dave's Insanity Sauce, which is a hot sauce so hot that one drop of it into a pot of chili would burn your mouth. This was like nothing I've ever even imagined.

Although the video only shows my reaction for a few minutes, the burning lasted more than 45 minutes, and I had to chug 2 and 1/2 bottles of water to stop the burning. The heat made my eyes water and my entire body started sweating despite the fact that I was in a tank top in 25 degree weather. Also, I'd like to apologize for the fact that my shirt was kind of coming off. I have a pretty good excuse, though! I felt like I was in a sauna, but my gums were swelling and burning. My entire mouth was throbbing. After about 30 minutes, I became accustomed to the burning, but it still hurt a bit. I blew on my hand like how you blow out a candle, and the air was HOT.

Basically, this was probably the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life. I still have a large baggie of peppers, though, so I guess the next time I go home, I'm making a very spicy vegetarian chili. Also, I'm doing it again this coming weekend, but this time I'm eating a whole pepper because I just can't learn consequences.


  1. Milk! Water makes it worse. Mr Adams would be ashamed. :-P

    1. I don't drink milk!!! Also, I can't afford it....
